In my case at least, I found the lady with the bad video card a lot more funny than annoying. Hey, for what it's cost to ship those things back to the vendor, she could have already bought a better card. Still. Lifetime Warranties don't come along every day, I guess.

I always try to be upfront and clear in giving customers my opinion. If they want to disregard it, so be it. Nevertheless, I've got a pretty severe BS allergy, and sometimes you just have to tell folks you don't think you can do business.

Actually, I had another amusing tale from today. I just got through ordering $70 of parts for a 9 year old Deskjet 970Cse (a clutch and some rollers) because the customer's daughter inadvertently purchased a case each of black and color cartridges for the printer. The vendor didn't want to eat the sale, so he cut them a deal on the cartridges. So, now, if the customer doesn't get his suddenly sick printer running, he's stuck with all this ink! Can you say "Ebay"?