Quote Originally Posted by xpuser357 View Post
Also Start,Control panel,system,hardware,Device manager. and check for
any yellow round exclamation marks.
I was reading up on sound card problems because I recently had a "BLUE SCREEN" hard fault and after sending report to windows got a solution screen that indicated I could be having sound card problems! And last on the list was disable Sound card which is working fine, I think!

I went throught windows checks and found your web site and read your entry after checking everything on "CHECK" list above your entry as last resort and sure enough I found 4 YELLOW question marks, all under the heading "other devices" which has a ? in front of it and 3 ???s under it with a wierd symbol the best I can describe looks like a backwards "z" attached to a lower case b?

can I just erase these?

I tried to update driver but there is nothing to update to.

How can I find out what they go to?

Thnaks in advance for your help!

Oh, I am using windows XP and my sound card is a
Creative Audio PCI ES1371,ES1373 (WDM)